Refrigeration, Refrigerant, Measurement of Refrigeration

Refrigeration: It is defined as the process of removing Heat form a  body(substance).  Refrigeration process maintains the temperature of the body, less than the surrounding temperature. Refrigeration is achieved using a median called Refrigerant.

Types of Refrigeration:
Air cooled refrigeration system
Ice cooled refrigeration system
Vapor Compression refrigeration system
Vapour Absorption refrigeration system  

Refrigerant: It is a material (commonly a fluid) used in heat pumps and refrigeration cycles. The purpose of refrigerant is to absorb heat and maintains less temperature.
It acts as a heat carrier which changes from gas to liquid and then liquid to gas in the refrigeration cycle during refrigeration process.

Common Refrigerants are:

Measurement of Refrigeration:
The cooling effect produced by melting of One ton of  Ice in 24Hrs is called refrigeration effect. And this is measured as “Commercial Ton of refrigeration”. 
Denoted by TR.
The heat removal from ice is @210kJ/kg

Generally considered as 210 kJ/min


Refrigeration Effect: The amount of cooling effect produced by refrigeration system/machine is known as refrigeration effect. It is denoted by N.

Work Supplied: the amount of energy supplied for refrigerating is termed as Work Supplied. It is denoted by W.