Gas Laws

Gas Laws explain the behavior of an ideal gas in terms of temperature, pressure, volume.
The following are the some of the important gas laws:
  • Boyle’s Law
  • Charles Law
  • Gay-Lussac’s Law
  • Avogadro’s law
  • Universal Gas Law
Boyle’s Law: 
Boyle’s law states that the volume of a given mass of gas (V) is inversely proportional to its absolute pressure (P), provided the temperature of the gas (T) remains constant. 
Boyle’s law formula

Charles Law:

According to Charles law, the volume of a given mass of gas (V) is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T), when its pressure remains constant.

Charles law formula

Gay-Lussac’s Law:

Gay-Lussac’s Law is also know as Amontons’ law. It states that if the volume of a given mass of a gas (V) is kept constant, then the pressure of the gas (P) is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T).

Gay-Lussac’s Law Formula:
Avogadro’s Law:
Avogadro’s law states that equal volumes of different perfect gases, at the same temperature (T) and pressure (P), contain equal number of molecules (n).

Avogadro’s law equation

Universal Gas Law:

Combined Gas law is derived from the three gas laws Boyle's law, Charles law and Gay-Lussacs law.

Universal Gas Law Formula