Valve Timing Diagram for four stroke petrol engine

Valve Timing Diagram

*20o-35o -35o -35o -10o 
Inlet Valve:
Inlet Valve opens (IVO) 20o before the piston reaches TDC and sucks air-fuel mixture and closes (IVC) 35o after BDC.
After inlet valve closes, the piston compresses the mixture from BDC to TDC.
During the compression stroke, the Ignition occurs at an angle of 35o before the piston reaches to TDC.
After Ignition, the mixture combusts and expands. During this stage, the piston moves from TDC to BDC.

Exhaust Valve:
After the expansion stage, the Exhaust valve opens (EVO) before 35o the piston reaches to BDC.
The combusted gas escapes through exhaust valve completely during the repeated compression stroke.
The Exhaust Valve closes (EVC) 10o after the TDC of combustion chamber.

*Again the Inlet valve Opens (IVO) 20o before Closing the exhaust valve (EVC)
This continues a repeated Cycle

Note:  (20o-35o -35o -35o -10o) are the angles made by  crankshaft rotation.

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