Problem on Refrigeration cooling effect(N) (basic introduction)

8000 liters of water at 25 oC  is to be converted into ice at -4 oC  in 1day.
Find the capacity of refrigeration system.
Take Specific heat of ice as 2kJ/kg-K  
Latent heat of ice as 336kJ/kg-K
Specific heat of water as 4.2kJ/kg-K  

Given Data:
Temp of water= 25oC
Temp of ice =-4 oC
Cp of ice = 2 kJ/kg-K  
Cp of water = 4.2 kJ/kg-k
Latent heat of water = 336 kL/kg-k

Sensible Heat of water:
   QAB     =mCp(A-B)
            = 8000x4.2(25-0)
            = 840000 kJ

Latent Heat
   QBC     = mL
            = 8000x336
            = 2688000 kJ

Sensible Heat of ice
   QCD  = mCp(C-D)
            = 8000x2(0-(4)) 84
            = 64000 kJ

Total Cooling effect(N)= QAB + QBC + QCD
            N = 840000+2688000+64000
            N= 3592000 kJ

       = 11.87 TR

Note: Ton of Refrigeration means refrigeration capacity in this problem